Love Poem: Wait



I felt the grave every time I waited for you
 I loved you a million times than I thought
 But you went away and you told me to wait.

I had to wait as you played tennis with my heart
 As you kicked every beautiful thought I had of you like a soft ball
 I waited for you at the bridge, were are our two stones are.
 I waited for you to see but that seems to be forever

I continued to wait in the rain, crying.
 Wait! You said, let me run after the wind
 Maybe I will get a better marriage proposal
 Wait let me play with the Sun probably it has a better engagement ring.

I waited as my pillow became wet and dry.
 I thought I had malaria, I guess that was my mind playing tricks on me.
 I waited for your call for us to dance under the stars
 But all I received was a short sms saying “Wait let me think about it”
Written by Tawona M Ranganawa