Love Poem: Wait On It
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Written by: Curtis Johnson

Wait On It

By early 1971; or was it late 1970 that I had fallen in love for the very last TIME?  From the summer of 1968 until then, many short romances quickly   
dried on the VINE.  No, it wasn't because anyone stepped out of LINE, but rather, it just wasn't time for the seed of love to germinate and rise from the soil. Yes, some of them came and were very pleasing for a little WHILE, and I must CONFESS that some of them, at the end of the QUEST, ended with questions at the end of the TRIAL. Questions of the type to which there were no ANSWERS for such ROMANCERS, and from which one had to move on.                             

So, to the young and the pure, yet UNTESTED; To the beginner with love not yet INVESTED; To the brave though RESTLESS ones, too innocent to UNDERSTAND that just ahead lies a romance filled with QUICKSAND. It is to such that I advise and make this one sincere and loving request to wait and not hurry LOVE*. Let love define itself, find its own way,  and lite upon you gently, like a loving DOVE.

022421PS                                                                                                                                                                          *Song of Solomon 8:4