Waiting... By: Candice
He listens in the dark at the warfare in the distance.
With each passing day his heart grows colder.
His passion for violence grows immensely
and the remnants of his " once was life" are no longer fresh in his mind.
Gunfire and roadside bombs were now a part of his everyday life.
He''d give anything to be at home, warming a bottle for a midnight feeding,
or preparing to change a diaper who had been a victim of a disastrous explosion.
He smiles to himself thinking of his new baby boy
and prays to God that he will return home safely to hold the precious miracle of life
that he had not yet laid eyes or hands on.
He tightly closes his eyes to hold back the threat of oncoming tears.
Images of a deadly blast just days before crowd his mind,
He begins to weep.
This war torn life would affect him for all eternity.
He was in fact, a victim of war.
He would never know another restful night.
Rest doesn''t come easy for a man who has seen men blown to pieces by bombs and lifeless
on the terrain.
However the disaster of a lost life somehow brings him strength to drudge through another day.
He takes out the crumpled birth announcement.,
reads the print and gently tucks it away.
He had never known such an emptiness.
Everyday he waits.
For what he is not sure.
He just prays in the end, it will have been worth it.