Love Poem: Waiting
Ronald Karzmarczyk Avatar
Written by: Ronald Karzmarczyk


As you complete your daily chores,
                                               I just pace my hardwood floors;
                                               waiting patiently to hear your voice, 
                                               knowing for me it's my only choice;
                                               to wait and think of all your charms,
                                               and wish you were here in my arms;
                                               the beauty of your deep brown eyes,
                                               lovelier than the blue, blue skies;
                                               the knowingness of your gentle smile,
                                               as I wait here all the while;
                                               to be together is my greatest desire,
                                               as you have set my soul on fire;
                                               the fire of love and the fire of lust,
                                               to have you in my life, is a must.