Waiting For Death
Stop waiting for death to give someone their flowers
Stop waiting for death to give someone you admire their roses
Stop waiting for death to say how you feel about someone
Because I guarantee you'll regret it when their casket closes
Life will be filled with pain, you have to find a way to overcome it and enjoy it
Death comes to us all, we can't avoid it
Some live in fear and have words for their loved ones, but leave them unspoken
They think there will always be a later, but anyone's life can be taken at any moment
The grudges you hold will more than likely be met with regret
You'll wish you ended your issues with someone when they meet their death
I always say if you don't laugh with me while I'm here you have no right to cry when I'm gone
Don't talk about how you wish I was still here if you never made me feel like I belonged
Isn't it sad how so many people say more to the dying than the living
Appreciate your loved ones you still have before they become a person you're missing
Give your loved ones their flowers while they are still here
Because if you wait too long they won't be here to see your regretful tears
Many are loved while they're here but they don't know it
Because some people don't tell them and won't show it
Words can hurt if said wrong, but regret comes with words you never say
If your loved ones don't get a tomorrow, you'll spend the rest of your tomorrow's wishing for a yesterday