Love Poem: Waiting For Love
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Written by: Clare Ankers

Waiting For Love

I wait, and i wait patiently
                               For that day to come where you rescue me

                                        I wait, and i dream so peacefully
                                    Please come quick, and awaken me

                                                         If i fear love
                                                     Then i fear pain
                                                     And if i fear pain
                                         Then i shall never love again

                                   So i wait, and i dream so peacefully
                                                I'm getting frightened,
                                                    Do i still believe

                                                    Is love a feeling,
                                                    Or is it a motion,
                                                       A movement,
                                                        A devotion

                                           I wait, and i wait no more
                                         For the waiting games over
                                               I don't care anymore

                                    I wait. and i dream, but not of love
                               For if love wants me, love shall find me

                                                     I shant dwell,
                                                     I wont dwell,
                                                        No more.