Waking To Morn, Romance and Purest Joy
Waking To Morn, Romance And Purest Joy
Blessed sky! thy shine sets aglow
Fine dreams of life, cravings for more,
Murmurings of love's streaming flow
Deep pleasure -- magnificent shores--
Warmth of bodies firmly entwined
Sensual romance, blazing flames
That of heavenly bliss defined
Treasures that happiness reclaims;
Sweet infernos of flowing touch
Waking to morn and purest joy
Feeling love's sweetness gives too much
Nirvana time can not destroy--
Sky! rain splatterings of heart's kiss,
Joyous nights of sensual bliss.
R. J. Lindley, July 09-1976
Romanticism( The Immense Depths Of Love's Sweet Ecstasy And Heat )
Dawn, sweetest treasure found
love's true depths, now thus bound
to bliss of heart's pure throes
of life and love's great shows
Blessed again pure love
From skies glowing above.