Love Poem: Walking In Cambridge
Arturo Michael Avatar
Written by: Arturo Michael

Walking In Cambridge

A rainy August day in Massachusetts

Down in Somerville weather is cool

On a wet Sunday afternoon 

See me skipping puddles pass Sanders theatre

Shoes swimming in blues

From Kirkland Street to Harvard Square I go

Watch a beautiful Bostonian show, now you know

I take the Red line train to Davis Square  

See YOU there

At Burren an Irish band sets up to play

I heard Commons is cold today, what do you say

Meet me at the Harbor 

We'll watch Sail boats dancing in the rain

Think I'm falling in love

Boston's happening to me

Suddenly I belong

Like a song to a movie

Must be falling in love 

She's got heartbeat to Woo me

Twinkling Stars abound

Angels fly over her City