Walking the Tightrope of Life
Some days are diamond, some are stone
We all need a mix of diamonds and stones
Otherwise we would miss the comparison
If life was all diamonds, we wouldn't be able to
Handle those stone days
And all stone days, we would be on a suicide watch
The perfect mix produces balance
It produces happiness knowing
As bad as it gets, there's always a better day ahead
I hear some of you saying, “Not in my life!”
Yes... in everyone's life or we wouldn't survive
Really think about your life
Unless your are in the .001% of the world's population
There have been times of exultation
And times when you didn't think it could get any worse
Take heart my friendlies
If you're feeling down right now
Imagine how great it will feel when you reach the other end
As we walk the tightrope of life!
© Jack Ellison 2015