Wandering Ethereal Glow
Breathing on the strings of the heart
Confronted by a swarm of wings wert.
Swinging melody on your glass tightrope.
Like a pendulum swung in a chasm of hope.
Much like Saturday evening, I wandered slow.
The sun was sparkling splendidly in the glow.
Say that the best to the voyaging thunderstorm.
A delightful day would have begun with smarm.
Amidst the bedlam, I hunted my firm voice.
She was chanting rustic tunes by burg rejoice.
I steered her away to a serene far-off barrow.
Under glossy azure, we sang beads to sparrow.
Take a deep breath and let go of the world.
Give me a grin and let the sorrow gnarled.
Written: April 10, 2022