Warmer Reflections
During December
I have trouble remembering we are potentially orgasmic organisms
designed for healing wounds,
resiliently restoring our egos
acclimating with everyday eco-habitats
to regenerate this lifeline climax;
Virally reverse-hierarchical
deep ecstatic experiences,
BigBang self-other co-empathic perpetuation,
co-acclimate primal relating
interdependent ZeroZones
of ambiguously autonomous identity.
Our most efficient organic economies
for enduring wealth
Are also our most effective ecological relationships,
natural-form/enspirited-exflowing function
Divine regenerating light
co-inviting dualdark humane aversions
to WinLose sectarianism,
anti-organic divisions, walls without bridges
re-linking anti-creative demonizing processes,
Degenerative opposing originally regenerative healing light,
in this darkening climate time.
Effective ecological systems
also efficiently optimize economic WinWin trends
for all Earth and each sacredly climaxing Ego
for divine and yet humane everyday light, non-sectarian
full ultra-violet octave, felt most brightly non-violent
transparently accessible, non-defensive
peacefully inviting health wealthy futures, non-insular
democratically inclusive experience.
We are multiculturing lifeline stories
sometimes deep learning Left with Right body/mind sacred ecologies
and too often mere products
of mis-educational Win/Lose or Lose/Win factories,
oblivious to Win/Win and Lose/Lose appositional analyses.
We are polypathic climax designed
To create full awareness
of poli-economic power structures, octave
natural seasonal costs
and nutritional benefits,
To find repurposing healthy ways
for all Earth's Tribes and Species
to achieve secular non-sectarian climax
and sacred non-violent objectives furthering resilience,
To invite green democratic global parties
to agree to a deep learned balancing environment,
To slow current run-away Lose/Lose rates
of outside ecological and inside theological chaos,
To escalate polypathic multi-lateral health/wealth outcomes.
Efficient ecological discernment therapy
invites effective economic empowering theory,
fractal boundaries, zero-zone centered
non-sectarian zen sacred
in non-violent ultra-violet, spectral
non-insular green eco-health development schools,
musical tragic comedies, everyday
non-defensively open for graced karmic love
co-passionately re-investing
Ecologically restoring EarthJustice
to theologically restory Ego's polypathic climax journey
into globally resonant warm EarthPeace.