Washed Away Hillslope
Here on a washed away hillslope
Water brought an acorn to grope
A little clay of Georgia red
Put down a tap root and make its bed
Took years to grow in this poor soil'
But it sustained on water___toil
Soil gave what nourishment she could
But help from rain that understood
Stony soil and hard rocks below
Was hurtful when Oak tried to grow
The soil strained to give very best
Oak was draining the soul of rest
This meager soil will starve the Oak
No! This Mighty Oak only grows
Had that acorn fallen on boulder
Would have sent strong root __grown taller
This Oak became a Kingly Tree
Soil is glad to have been drained free___
Of nourishment that nurtured it
Now the rain and sun supplies pith
For soil to be greatly replenished
So Oak but prospers___soil finished
(Idea came after reading Edna St. Vincent Millay..)