Love Poem: Waterfall of Kindness

Waterfall of Kindness

Remember my brother’s tender eyes.. never failed to support needy, with compassion and gentleness. For him, not one human being deserves to suffer, every animal needs to be taken care of; every bud, every leaf should be touched with inimitable tenderness. 

                                  kindness flows gentle 
                          jade waterfalls streaming down 
                               healing charred sad hearts

For him, every child deserves equal opportunities. Once my father asked him if he had a book which someone else needed, but didn’t have money to buy. He answered - “ Yes, I do. You can give it to him”. Actually he still needed the book for his courses, but didn’t want to disappoint the needy person, who might fail because of lack of resources. Later my brother was copying materials borrowing books from the library, without letting anyone know, and somehow managing to complete his own work - but with no complaints, and no regrets. I can not imagine a kindness quieter and deeper than this! He is gone, he left a void, but his legacy of a kindness with no barriers, remains in our hearts. 

                                       ignite mercy pure
                                  resplendent  lighthouse beacon
                                       shining compassion 

                                         August 6, 2021
                              For "Kindness" Poetry Contest
                                 Sponsor: Regina Mcintosh
                       Syllables (5-7-5) checked by