Waves of Love
When the wind
blow,when the sun
shines,when the rain
falls,when the dark calls
the day to slumber,when
men have all gone to
sleep,when no one thinks
of thee,when no one
cares,l will always be here
for you! Thinking of
you,yearning for you and
when the morning retires
the night to it's place and
when all men awakens to
behold the brighter new
day of the month and
week.l will always wish
you a wounderful week
and lots of love.l care for
thee.l will always love
you,in my heart have l
created a space for you
to occupy. Behold and
see that we are not only
meant for each other but
that we are created for
and from one another.l
love you till the end of
time and end of seasons.
My love for you glitters
more the the stars of
heaven,my passion for
you eludes the illusion of
lust. I love you from the
depth of my soul.