We All Know Better
We All know Better
By Curtis Johnson
Your smiling face will often disguise the rapid and tedious race;
But I know better
Your sweet and pleasant demeanor sometimes displays God’s grace;
But not always, because at times it leaves a revealing trace.
Others may discern or detect things you cannot hide or erase,
Because they too know better
In the language of baseball, it’s good to hit home runs, triples, and doubles.
But we Know better,
Because a good manager will tell you that these endeavors you must not chase
It’s simply because, most times, it’s better for the team if you just get on first base
So if you choose, you can say you are swell and all is well
But I know better
You can pretend things are great and wonderful; but you know better
I know that you must open up and talk about more than the sports and the weather
I know that you must open the windows of your heart to at lease someone you can tell