Love Poem: We All Matter
Curtis Johnson Avatar
Written by: Curtis Johnson

We All Matter

The plus one of the world is 'YOU'                                                                                                                                      If no 'YOU', the world is minus one.                                                                                                                                        A world without 'YOU' is incomplete. 

Did you know that when a sparrow falls, God takes note?                                                                                        Did you know that God counted your original hair strings?                                                                                             Did you know that we can also get our names written in heaven?                                                                        

Sometimes we mortals under or overestimate, and sometimes we guess.
You are not the product of 'theoretical guessing' but a result of an       'exacting science'.                   

Stop and consider what you have done, are doing, and are going to do.                                                            Consider that what others do, all 7 billion of us, are are not what you do.                                                  Also, consider that life is not about simply what we do as much as who we are,                                            and there is absolutely no one present or future who can be 'you' better that you.                                                        

When you arrived, you were given a name, and the place and time of your birth were recorded. Moreover, God knew you before you were formed, and had assigned a purpose unique to you. So that there would be no mistaking   of you, your DNA and fingerprints match none but you. And about this, make
no mistake: We all matter, and a world without you is a lesser world.

052620PSCtest, A World Without You, JCB Burl