We Are Christ Vision
We have vision
We are the equality of God words
A craftsmanship born to serve God
Each of us has a dream, and this dream there is a gift, a gift to live a dream and
a gift to give a dream
Martin Luther king said I have a dream, but we have a vision
We have a vision, a vision to love
If you have no vision, wait God has a vision for you and me the amble of
opportunity to grow in His eternal dream; we are his vision and instrument of God
You, who are helpless with your dream through your trail and treacherous pitfall
you are God eternal dream, in these last hour in time of trouble we have a dream,
dream to feed the hunger , a dream to clothe the naked , a dream to heal the
sick, a dream to encourage the discouraged, this was Christ dream
When our dream was drowning, Christ reach out is hand an save us
We are His vision
We have a purpose to live in salvation of God grace.
We are his vision
We have a dream, a dream to commission God work
every child, Every youth, , elder, married coupled, single, widow, fatherless, for
the love of God and the uplifting of humanity this is our vision.
We have a vision.
by Stanley Jean-Jacques