We Are Moonrise
I'm not asking for the world.
I don't need your eyes locked on me,
My launch codes don't need a key.
I don't want to be smothered
In smoky love
Danger ahead, and danger below.
I don't need constant reassurance,
Or twenty four hour surveillance
There's no danger in our separation.
No lost time in lost minutes.
I'm not asking for the world.
I don't want the responsibility
Or the blame and shame
From such a request.
I don't want you to lose out
On friends and family and events.
I don't want a lot,
I don't need a lot.
I'm not a missile waiting to take off,
Your hand doesn't need to be ready,
Your heart doesn't need to be steady.
Your eyes can wander from the horizon,
Take in the wonders of the world.
Because I am not asking for the world.
I could never ask that of you.
All I ask is for the nights
When the moon is high, and the stars are bright.
Your hand in mine,
When there's a chill in the air.
Your chest to my back,
When exhaustion breaks us.
All I ask,
Is to be a shooting star.
No danger, no alarms.
No fear and no loss.
I want to be there,
And I want to be wanted.
I wouldn't ask for the world,
Not of you,
Not of anyone.
You have yours and I have mine,
And our places are in each.
We are not dictators nor kings, though.
We are a piece of a larger whole.
I am but a shooting star in the sky,
Something to catch your eye.
You are my meteor way up high,
Burning through barriers and hearts of steel.
We are brief in the grand scheme.
But when the moon flies,
I am yours,
And you are mine.