We Are Not Islands : May 2016
We are not islands
We of the islands of N and Z placed together
There are three of us
If we were islands
We would lie in the sea
Waves would lap over us
Playfully tickle our sandy shores
Crash against our rocky cliffs
Throw seaweed onto our beaches.
We would see each other
On the distant horizons on a clear day
We would never meet
Never move towards each other
Calming each other's senses simply by being there
As islands, meeting in this way
Would be meaningless to us
We would be being what we were meant to be
Islands of rock, of land
In the sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy sea
When we, strengthened by coming together
Move apart
We are like islands linked by similar vegetation
As birds fly from one to another, over above in the sky
We send our thoughts over the Wi-Fi into the sky
Standing alone as non-islands, we are not landlocked
Carrying our bases with us, able to come and go
Distant and closer
You don't throw seaweed on my beaches
I don't float unmoving in a distant sea
We are alone generally free to move
around in our own worlds
Being who we see we can be
Being not islands
standing alone in an ocean of sea
Being free to move
To share our thoughts poetically
We are able unlike islands
To write our words
Where others may see them,
may hear them
To make public
What is only inside ourselves
Can an island do that?
May 2016