Love Poem: We Are Your Beautiful Butterfly Angels For Evermore
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Written by: Angela Roark

We Are Your Beautiful Butterfly Angels For Evermore

We softly whisper to each other in our cocooned womb of ours,
      wishing for the world to see our colorful souls to emerge.
The calling, the urgency so great to break free
     as we wrap our beautifully colorful wings around each other
          hoping for one day to be set free.
Soon it will be time for us to fly because we are so needed
Down below we'll leave our essence of our wings of change
        for all to see.
We know it's not understandable just yet but the Great Creator
        above took our wings and blew His breath so we can fly high
             like the Eagles in the sky.
We now are the Beautiful Butterfly Angels dancing across the 
       four winds.
We will flutter around from here to there smiling down upon you
       with such amazing grace, while our wings lightly touch so tenderly
             upon your hand.
We are never far from you Mama, We are in the morning dew you see on a leaf,
     we are dancing from flower petal to flower petal giggling along the way,
         we are in the morning sunrise you see as the birds sing their lovely chorus
             to you, we are the love that we felt the whole time through.
We Are Your Beautiful Butterfly Angels For Evermore.