We Call the People That We Love Inside
The shops are shut. Our hearts are open wide
Before we put the Closed sign on the door
We call the people that we love inside
‘Last orders at the bar!’ the barman cried
Our days of wine and roses are no more
The pubs are shut. Our hearts are open wide
The schools are shut. How hard the children tried
For what, they sigh, was all our striving for
We call the people that we love inside
No space made out of stone for God to hide
At home alone we face a higher law
The church is shut. Our hearts are open wide
Our doors are shut. In darkness we abide
We tear our hair and wash our fingers raw
With all the people that we love inside
The price we pay for freedom is our pride
What price our freedom if we win the war
The shops are shut. Our hearts are open wide
We call the people that we love inside
© Gail Foster 23rd March 2020