We Loved Her In Vain
We Loved Her In Vain
The bones of your life lay there
you were gifted far too fair
You travelled a path far alone
before we saw, you were gone
The castles you left so pure
truth was part of your allure
Did you gift us your very best?
or save that for your new quest
Sunday morns you would go walk
there, strange dancing as you talk
Your return consumed us with glee
loved in your sight only me
You are now very deeply missed
we adored you, were not kissed!
Robert J. Lindley, 09-14 2014
Syllables Per Line: 7 7 8 7 0 7 7 8 7 0 7 7 8 7 0 8 7
Total # Syllables: 102
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Total # Words: 87
Note: I am deep into math, love numbers and patterns.
I wanted to create a poetry form . So I took two special
years of my life to start the foundation for a new form.
Years 1977 and 1987, thus I chose 77, 87.
Developed the form as sonnet type based with 14 lines but
with a syllable count as shown above comprised of three
four line stanzas, followed by a two line conclusion.
Rhyme scheme to be aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff with ending couplet gg
Perfect form would be to hit the max number of word count of 87.
with each stanza syllable count flowing as shown above,
7,7,8,7 , 7,7,8,7 7,7,8,7 8,7
Total words(perfect) to be maxed at 87 and minimium word total to
be 77 words.
If interested give it a try... to stretch your poetic muscles.