Love Poem: We Met In the Summer
Queen Malicious Avatar
Written by: Queen Malicious

We Met In the Summer

I still remember and I will never forget you, now hear we are together again, the worst mistake and you know it too I never forgot you.

We met in the Summer

I still remember you
I will never forget
Here we are together again
the worst mistake
You know it too
I'll never forget you

We met in the Summer
With the bees buzzing
And the trees rustling

I ran so far away-
From my future to be the queen
That was soon meant to be seen

I ran
I ripped my dress
My hair in distress

I tripped
I fell hard
My legs started to swell

I cried - I cried
I just died

You found me broken
Picked me up
With bruises, scratches
- Tears on my skin,
You took me to your kin

They healed
They dealt
I awoke
You and I
Under your favorite Oak

We danced in the sun
--- It was love
You helped me fly like a dove
We touched we sparked
We left a mark;

V.C and MSS

Then we both left
The Summer, we met
We fell in love
As the leaves become brown

They came and took me away
We fell apart, I could not stay
Sad and lonely
I was banned from seeing you

I knew I was sad and lonely
The knight in my shining armor
- Now gone!
I was happy once again
Years past us

We met once more
I couldn’t stand to see your face
I ran as you chased me
I was only 23

Yelling my name
I recall our little game


You ran at me
I want life to be
How it’s meant to be
Listen to my words

I was once young
I wanted to be free
You said this wasn’t me

I left you there
I ran - I ran
I couldn’t stand your face
I cried - I cried
I just died
