Love Poem: We Met Two Thousand Thirteen For the First Time Here
Jackie Thomas Avatar
Written by: Jackie Thomas

We Met Two Thousand Thirteen For the First Time Here

Sister, older Sister you I finally met and and starting to know
I met you and wished you did not have to go

I love your black, silky hair and especially your grace
...and that beautiful blouse with all of that lace

I watched you close to see if you looked like me and that I did not see
..I still love that you are a big sister to me

Harsh tones when you speak
We didn't even have the same feet

Your eye lashes so thick and long
I can't express enough how much I hate that you are gone

Though the miles between us are not very far
I already hate that we are apart

I notice that you liked some of the same hobbies that I enjoy
I have three boys and one girl and you have three girls and a boy

I looked at your finger and we had the same mole in the same place
...but we did not resemble in the face ; (

Though you were much taller and your frame was larger then mine
I regret that our memories together are way behind

The next time I see you will still be catch up on old times, say our goodbye and I love you too

Send a message to our Mommy please
Tell her that this is probably the best thing she ever done for me