We Must Pay the Price
Everything in life has a price
Someone must always pay
Life begins and ends with a price
If someone doesn't, you must somehow pay
If you don't, who must then pay?
You're earning income because you had to pay
You're enjoying pleasure because you had to pay
You're being punished because you had to pay
You're called a lover because you had to pay
You're seen as a friend because you had to pay
You're on earth because a man and a woman had to pay
you're secured because the security had to pay
You're eating because the farmer had to pay
You're reading this poem because the poet had to pay
You're hopeful after death because God had to pay
We enjoy free lunch now because someone before us paid the price
We are independent now because someone before us paid the price
We are healthy now because someone before us paid the price
We are here paying once again because someone before us paid the price
We can't refus to pay because someone before us paid the price