We Need To Slow Down
I know that I like you.
You probably like me, too.
But we need to slow down,
Before we mess up things.
I feel that we need to get to
Know each other mentally
And emotionally
Before we’re familiar physically.
If we don’t we could become parents too soon
I’ll be loving you but you might run off,
Like the fork did with the spoon.
From that we could have love child,
Who’s future is doomed,
Because his mom and dad did not care for each other.
Instead they chose to be short-term lovers.
I know that I’ve developed feelings for you,
In such a short period of time.
Your soft kisses blew my mind.
I know you on the outside,
But I’ll know it’s real,
When I know you from within.
It takes time for that to happen.
So we will still have fun together,
And unwind,
But in the meantime,
We need to slow down.