We Need You By Collice Rodrigues
We lose our self in confusion to that one single person
We rule out all the others and select that distinct version
We do everything to make them our life and live in their
We starve to death but about their hunger we care
We only need your love and not some big favors or treat
We have ups and downs but that doesn’t put you under our feet
We don’t just want you to kiss us we want you to speak
We do want you to call in and not just once a week
Maybe not forever but we want you to hold our hand
Maybe it sounds selfish but I’m hard to understand
We aren’t kings we can’t afford to gift you a gem or a throne
But we get engaged, sealing you with a diamond, the eternal stone
We are selfless we can give up our life if that’s what your love cost
We do realize that every pulse in your absence is a fraction of life lost
It’s not a group I refer to when I say we, it’s only a person it’s only me
And you know it’s you I’m talking to, yes sweetheart who else can it be
-Collice Rodrigues