We Remember
Our hurts, our pain,
our personality,
our character
tarnished with stain
It is at sometime,
through our lives
we choose to remove?
remain? repeat the same
where does our strength come?
through experience?
lifetime of observation?
what makes us decide
who we choose to love
to give our heart, to realize!
...and from what,
we will not abide,
there is empowerment,
a sense-a knowing, a belief
without risk, nor doubt
an understanding-
with blessing
an unwelcome feeling
our love will standout
our love will be tested
...our love will see us through
for love is divine...the divine is
the feeling love leaves behind,
our spirit carried through all times,
through all injustice,
a divine knowledge,
our love, our belief
our will not ruptured
this spirited existence,
survives-in our courage,
in our strength, in our wisdom
the light this sphere resides,
this develops in our growth
in our thinking,
channel this essence wisely
our love revolves entirely