Love Poem: We Won'T Live Forever Time Limited Offer To Dave
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Written by: Dave Collins

We Won'T Live Forever Time Limited Offer To Dave

I wish we could
sit in a soft field 
of flowers and bask
in the sun on our
faces-I'd do it alone and
think of you and what
you would say in the
inspiritational message-
the sharing in the simplicity,
in the humaness of the 
moment-in the sheer 
joy to be in a warm
place---safe for a moment.
I can set up the scene,
the characters, the dialogue,
We will not live forever,
Lost time in a debit, 
account held against
small core savings.

In the end will it be
"enough" that we--I -tried?

Will there be credit for
the tenacity? Or are we
selling finely carved and
cheap plastic security? 

(Written by my Ex wife sometime during our 36 yr relationship.)