Weak Spots X
Comforts on a stranger's lips
That whisper kinship,
As strength returns to frail thought,
Their wisdom heightens the spirit
Daily reminders that the world
Is all connected
The birds in flight so unified
Crowds smiling in venerable sync
When sung in harmonies,
There is a faith that songs
On the mouths of all creatures,
And to Belong,
How weak I become to Belong,
In a home that is as harmonic
As a flock in flight—a song to sing!
Note: Made it to the 10th poem of my February series 'Weak Spots'—I sincerely hope you've been enjoying the poetry thus far...
I was talking to a friend before posting this one, about how sometimes we may not think what we have created is good— but in someone else's eyes it could be a masterpiece. It all depends on perspective, I suppose. So, starting out with this poem, I felt it was pretty weak—yeah—ironic I know...
However, looking back at it...tweaking the words a little —and being reminded that everyone thinks differently, I can now say I love what I have created. I am so proud of how far I've come...
...and in all your journeys...your passions and pursuits...if you are not, you should be proud too—if what you have done or made is good or bad. For what really defines what is good and bad? Sometimes our own minds are not good focal points to come to those conclusions. Often we are critics to ourselves before we are friends... At least I fall into that hole—I don't know about you guys.
Also...being or feeling weak once in a while is not a bad thing... I titled my romantic series 'Weak Spots' because I believe that the things that make me feel weak are valuable and notable...and often beautiful.
Anyway, rant over...press on! And again...thank you for reading.