Love Poem: Wedding Anniversary
Maddy Sp Avatar
Written by: Maddy Sp

Wedding Anniversary

 Hey my Sparkling light from heaven of blue sky,
       Marrying You,None of the path in life is empty without Your love!!
You are the dawn turning my night into day,
       Nature  residing in You is the god's gifted creativity,
Life is been delighted with wonders and joy's being with You!!

Hey my Weatherbeater, with You everyday rise with the Upstream and 
vanish my worries,
       You are Staggering force of water with whom I wave!!
You are the Iconic Prism of my life deviating a beam of romantic ness all 
       Stopping by life's biggest question you were the one who took my     
       breath away!!
You are the like the Seaboard bracing the sand and getting dissolved in 
passion of Love,
       Hey my Jewel casket, I feel secured in your sheathe!!
You are the one who always glimmer amongst all the planet,
       Yes Your Lovely smile stucked between paired lips always pleased me 
absolutely in its own way!!

Fabulously enduranced my soul,
       Artfully You committed!!
Wanna fleet admirally along with You,
       Hey my prismatic light, being with You spectral colours bloomed in my 
       Life with Your refraction!!
Something apparently sensed , something made us connected,
       Something arised our feelings, something exchanged our emotions!!
Something made us hear the faint phantom bells from the heart,
       Yes Your Stupefyingly impressive attitude, integrated 
       orientation,Extravert disposition connected me!!

Blissfully You call me as darling, addressing me as Your Life partner I really 
felt blessed,
       Conjuring togetherness had made our life magically beautiful!!
Wooing with You, days is passing amorously graceful,
       Hey Colorful palette, Every shade in You made me feel stimulated!!
You ignited fire in me, Aroused craziness to its height,
       Setting sun kindled the sky with red and orange ,likewise You spread 
       the flames of love drived in every route!!
Tying the knot, we eloped away.. created wonders everywhere!!