Welcome To My World
A place where everything sits and weeps in
Hatred of that long-gone man who sweeps in
Wreaking havoc on all that passes by
From caterpillar to young butterfly
And thus my life grew, and thus it so passed
Catching my breath and catching you, outcast,
Down in the dumps about the girl you had
She was sometimes good and was sometimes bad
And so I stepped down, out of the rainbow
My last to be seen until you went low
Found another girl, found another life
Took that train far away to your new wife
Gone are my happy days, gone is my youth
Gone, that time living in telephone booth
Days filled with such passionate desire
But so passed our love, so it grew higher
And so is the scripture of lives unfurled
And I grew old, and welcome to my world
A place where everything sits and weeps in
Hatred of that long-gone man who sweeps in