We'Re Greatly Influenced By Society
We’re Greatly Influenced By Our Society
We’re greatly influenced by our society.
Our culture comes in many types of “varieties.”
Often, there is a wicked and sinful force..
As people forget God, and look to another “source.”
Too often, many in society have “confused” minds.
Evil and perversion come in many different kinds
We often read in the news just about every day.
Something that another “confused”
mind has to say.
“Where did this person go wrong?” Is wondered.
Another family or person is “torn and plundered.”
“If my people humble themselves,
and repent of their ways.”
“I will heal their land!” This is what God says!
Without God as the focus
of our life’s attention.
We’re sure to go “off course.”
Into the wrong direction.
“There is a way that seems right.” “But the end is death.”
This is a truth of God’s word…
Until your last breath!
Jesus is the answer to any kind of difficult situation.
We desperately need him all across our nation!
Only he brings the love and fulfillment
we need to obtain.
We can find everything we need
in HIS precious name!
By Jim Pemberton