What About Me
Lying here, do YOU know how much it hurts? Listening to YOU tell me YOU don’t care; to
watch YOU lead YOUR life with whomever YOU choose. Do YOU know what that does to me? i
can’t take it! i must not stand for it; do i have a choice? If only YOU knew how much YOU
hurt me..... Wait! YOU do. Yet YOU still don’t care.
My life is rock bottom. i feel the bedrock embedded in me. i pull gravel from my soul
every moment, and i feel the earth in my stomach.
Live YOUR life! YOU think i don’t watch anymore; i do. YOU think i couldn’t possibly care;
I’m here. YOU never visit, and YOU never so much as bat an eye at me. YOU make it seem my
fault, as if this is what i wanted. YOU drive around and do as YOU please; don’t care for
me really. Just continue on. Don’t give me a second thought.
Go ahead and break the soil.