What Brings Me Great Joy
That first morning moment we awaken and our eyes meet
When the sun shines upon you, your face sparkles so sweet
The way you play and say kind words to me when you toy
When you whisper to me, you are my love, pride and joy
When we get cozy side by side I tingle in the solemn night
That fuzzy warm feeling I get when your arms hold me tight
When you sing of times we have shared, getting ready for bed
When you recite Keats, Byron and Poe off the top of your head
When you ravish me and relish me with oodles of affection
When we slurp noodles, we have the twin flame connection
How you're kind to animals, excite them with your quirky voices
You always get me, I dig it when you help with simple choices
When I’m sad you make me laugh with your shameless jokes
What pleasurable delights and suggestions your mind evokes
When you pray for more kindness less hate in the world
When your cheeks blush bold with your soul unfurled
He has put a pair together and I am one of them it’s clear
You are a Godsend, you are a precious stone and my dear
Knowing I’m with you, you with me, always having you here
I’ll never truly be alone in my heart when you're away or near