What Daddy Demands
EarthMama Invites
Without RightDaddy Dominance,
Left EcoMama
and Her still innocent suppressed Children,
share no opposing WinLose
internalized voices,
just anxious and angry
and fearful feelings
about LoseLose
ego and Earth
Because all RightBrain feeling voices
and chemistries
are outside Sacred NatureSpirit
Patriarchal/Matriarchal Voices
secular and sacred heart-felt narratives
evolutionary and devolutionary
ecologies with anthro-centric histories,
HerStories of DNA SpiritNatures
also Patriarchal TheoLogical
Outdoor OrthodoxVoicing NatureSpirits.
Difference and not sameness,
dissonance and not confluence,
between TheoDaddy and EcoMama
require LeftBrain theo-articulating Voice,
ZeroZone polyphonic
iconic EcoMama TrueFlowing
ergodic seasoned Beauty
inspires Future HealthIntegrity
with LeftBrain dominating language
and in RightBrain cooperatively felt love
for restoring inside with outside apposition, not so much opposition,
deep learning secular-sacred skill sets,
we come to today's WinWin responsibilities
and not so much WinLose overinvested
in public deniability
to help restore
Sacred PositivEnergy
Ego through Global Transubstantiating Democracy
using both internally necessary
and externally transparent sufficient planning voices
For climate cooperative healthy-wealth design
rather than more BusinessAsUsual
sloppy health care giving and receiving
social ecopolitical pathologies.
Loyal WinWin CoMessiahs
and humble Bodhisattva Peace Warriors
and Bicamerally PolyPhonic BidDaddySun and LittleHotMamaEarth Yogis
and ZeroZone MindBody Performance Artists,
Movement and Dancing Peace Revolution Marchers,
and Master Organic Gardeners and ReForesters,
and PermaCulture Design, not Resign,
CoInvested CoOperators,
and Restorative DNA JusticeWeavers
and RNA GreenPeace Advocates
for EarthFirst
EcoPolitical CoInvestors
in community through global WinWin--
we also could better hear our Inside WinLose Critics,
While we do our best to retain resilient resonance
to actively hope
to co-invest in strong Science, Organic-Technologies, and Arts
and ProForming and ActiveFlowing ReCreation Designs
and STAR community green and blue and brown
and yellow
and purple
and all those other colors and fragrant
resounding installations
ReIncarnations of WinWin Left-Right co-operative co-empowerment
each with diverse dialects
for understories of sacred gratitude,
positive LeftBrain secular attitude
for hearing and healing anti-ecological
both inside-yin and outside-yang danger.
We EgoLeft with EcoRight co-balance,
dipolar co-arise
more than bipolar co-gravitate
against more WinLose shit.
We may have Earth and Ego Cleanliness
and Purity Compulsions,
not allowing us to stick to a single vulnerable and innocent resource
out of multi-purposing polypathic place,
A meat-lover's meal and unwashed eco-contaminated dishes
and clothes and hands and feet and hair washing Critic
for fear of what WinLose Daddy others
might kosher judge,
as not truly
and beautifully
and religiously
and polyculturally WinWin.
We may hear inside
Outside Performing Arts
and Designing WinLose Busyness Phobias
shutting down RightBrain attempts
at further polyphonic narrative building,
and moving choreography,
and WinWin soulful story-telling
and healing ecotherapy,
resulting in fear of dissonant WinLose addicted rejection letters
and incoming phone calls
of all unknown marketing-area code varieties,
And fear of WinWin Success
inviting each of us into further WinLose risk
deep-learning disgrace
through messed up chaotic strategic
and yet not organically positive felt
past energy performances.
We may
political and economic and social WinLose FaultFind
examining each interpersonal-intrapersonal
to be way too negative inside voice
competitively awkward and handicapping
if not downright violent and sadistic and fascist LoseLose
remedially disabling,
inviting hospitalization more than hospitality,
in some ears and eras,
and a punishing or merciful shot through the head,
in others.
We may have
NegativEnergy Psychological Critics
and Colonizing Missionary MonoReligious Supremacists inside
discouraging us from speaking in
Outside WinWin Declaration voices.
We do not think it is democratically
or even tyranically OK
to feel free to declare war on and against each other,
and yet not first through last
Alpha through Omega
feel free
to declare our universal healthy
secular and sacred love
with each other.
This violence
and bullying threat thereof
is not fair patriarchal-matriarchal cooperative play
or therapeutic work
or sacred health vocation.
We may all share
our Matriarchal WombText Spaces,
Places with 4D EcoTherapeutic RealTime Seeds
for restorative justice
and against fear of paranoid lifeline
ego-mortifying LoseLose
monoculturing emarginating threat of loss
for WinWin polyculturing global potential
cooperative organic learning structures.
We may retain
WinLose LeftBrain Either/Or dominant
Western colonizing enculturation--
shit happens,
And we may retain
rather less Eastern
nondual co-arising
creolizing outdoor organic-messianic experience
reweaving DNA with RNA 4D-fractal
with ecological global empowering seasons
for outdoor-indoor imaginative Past with CoPresent
nutritional WinWin flow trends.