What Does Love Hand Me Today
What does love hand me today?
A shiny bracelet,
a beautiful smile,
a woman with heart in her hand, for a change?
What does love hand me today?
A sports car,
a singing nightingale,
a warm bed at night,
a beautiful lover I can hold warm in bed?
What can love hand me today?
Can it be a walk with nature,
a classical masterpiece,
the woman of my dreams?
What can love hand me today?
A mother's love and embrace,
a father's guidence,
a brother's or sister's companionship?
What can love hand me today?
The woman in blue,
the woman in red,
the woman in black,
the woman in yellow, green, and pink?
What can love hand me today?
A million dollars,
a house in Beverly Hills,
a dog, or a cat?
What can love hand me today, but a kiss on the cheek,
or a hug when times are dark,
and a hug when times are alright.
What can love hand me today, that it hasn't handed to me
The answer is... nothing, but love.