What Evil Lurks In the Shadow of Religion
what followed Jesus while he traveled alone?
well... God the father yes, but following Jesus
to corrupt him, to destroy him,to defeat him,
was sin, was evil, was one who if seen
by any but followers, would cower at its evil,
and bow in fear of what MAY happen if they do not.
we see it every day, and shrug for we cannot see,
see the darkness that crawls lurking through and under
the shadow of religion, the very shadow
of what is Holy, is interpreted as on thing
and seen as another, seen as a whole other,
other worldly, outer existent, world.
and though we believe in Him
we all walk in its shadow
for we are not the Bible, for we are not of Holy
made in His image, found all over in His realm
and outside His world. but still living
in the shadow of religion
we exist, we live... but do we repent?
yes? no? speak only to Him
to relieve yourself of your earthly scars
to release all of the weight
speak only to Him, for we are
in the shadow of religion... His religion
why do we say we are Holy
when we know... completely that we are not?
we may belong to Him, but are we Him?
do not yell but no, He is us, He is what He is.
follow him and you will be free
do not say you are Him, for you are not...
you are not Him... continue to walk
on this path, belong to Him
but you can still walk in the shadow of religion
evil lurks here, so does darkness
but light is in this shadow, and no matter
what or where you are, the light in this shadow
is stronger than darkness, anywhere in this
follow his path, and finish off
ascending to the kingdom, the kingdom of Heaven,
of mercy, of bliss, you have endured,
endured enough, belong to Him, in His kingdom
let light live, for you will be with him.