Love Poem: What God Called Me To Do
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Written by: Micah Smith

What God Called Me To Do

Lord you came from heaven to save us from hell,
Among us sinners you chose to dwell,
To give us eternal life you gave your own,
To glorify your father who’s on his throne,
You took the sin of the world upon your shoulder,
Yet our burning desire for you grew colder,
They spit on you, beat you and placed thorns upon your head,
Yet you still loved us when you were dead,
Your love is deeper than the ocean you yourself created,
Love so true because you did exactly what you stated,
Rose again on the third day with complete satisfactory,
You gave us salvation completely for free.

Just so you all know were living in the last days,
So I say to you my friend that you should change your bad ways,
When Jesus comes for the saints the wicked man stays,
Stuck here on earth to suffer through earth’s tribulation faze,
God changes anyone murders, thieves and gays,
If you want to get to heaven just do what the bible says!!!

Being afraid to say I’m a Christian is a thing of the past,
Because now I realize God’s love for me forever lasts,
Being a Christian doesn’t make me shrink or less of a man,
There for I don’t care what you think because I’m a part of Gods plan.
No I’m not perfect yes I do wrong but I know how to repent and keep my faith.
And I ask that you do the same and repent before it’s too late.