Love Poem: What Have You Done Anna
Arden Gopela Avatar
Written by: Arden Gopela

What Have You Done Anna

There's cut all over her arms and thighs
With razor as a tool, she conducted a crime
An intentional kill of a self incapable
A suspect and a victim of a crime that made possible

'twas a clear picture before my eyes
Make myself believed; maybe a humorous display
As I browsed all her feedback; inferred other statements
Picture's authentic; I am not imagining

First time it happened on my Facebook history
Mind and heart collided on an image so shaky
A friend so dear to me and treated me,"Brother"
Have lost all her senses, for a love that started to hate her

I acted rapidly and sent her a message
While tears wrapping on my face
She told me of a love that's broken
Will end-up a life if He's not beside Her

Things didn't work out
Promises didn't shape-up    
Two-hearts fractured as complications rise
The one's still hoping while the other's ready
Is this a mere option of not meeting a desire
Of depression and imbalance of emotion that's inside?

Anna! Anna!
What have you done?
I praise God for His presence
He saved you from the fire
If love is pure and just
You have a peaceful mind
And you will love yourself
As you love him the best
If love is a lie
No one can deny
It will always manifest by taking things for granted
Like what you've done; imprisoned by deception
Dark clouds have covered you with fear and wrong decision

Please Anna, promise me now!
No more blades around!
You're impulsive so please turn around
Say some prayers and ask God's favor
Good thing you're a "Suicide Survivor".

  # Based on a true story
     Last night, I was really shocked seeing the picture of Anna(on Facebook) with bruises all over.
     Thought it was a joke but I'm saddened finding out that its real. Its her!
     She's a friend so close in my heart since school days.
     She attempted to end her life last night just because of a broken relationship!
     This is really not the end of the world!
      She's okay now! God is good!