What I Want From a Partner
These are the things I look for in a life partner and the things that I make need to be
Happy and Harmonious......Pleasant so too speak....In my life..........
A partner who is kind spirited and not opiniative and judgemental.
A partner who is considerate and compassionate to all people and not jelouse and
A partner who is God willing and not relentless.
A partner with strength aquired from patiants and willingness and not cunningness
and pride.
A partner who is self-serviant and self-disaplined and not self-seeking and
A partner who learns wisdom from regrets instead of teaching and implying
A partner with empathy and not self-pity.
A partner who is industrious and goal oriented and not lacking sweat from hard
work and the drive to optain those goals.
A partner who is humble and not complimentive and materialistic.
A partner who doesnt let oppression confine him from the things that he wants.
A man who is stronger then my faults and weaknesses,who will put it first on his
list to protect all women and children.
And lastly..........The ONE that will not let me fall from GRACE.
These things I do trust.