What I Would Do
I'd hike a mountain backwards,
Even if it were awkward.
I'd walk around in a fat suit
Then tell all my friends on poetrysoup.
I'd tell every other girl they smell,
Even if I would never live to tell.
I would sing you a song
And ask your parents to sing along.
I would spike my brownish-blondish hair
And sport a big smile like I didn't care.
I would go to the mall on a shopping spree
And get kicked out for jumping on all the Christmas trees.
I might whisper,"I love you" in your ear,
Then scream it out for all the world to hear.
I would go to a store and jump on the beds
Then fall off just to hit my head.
I'd jump off a bridge just because I was bored
(But not without a bungee cord).
I would perform for an audience until they 'booed'
Then go and scuff all the skater's shoes.
I would tell you this poem in brief
Just for comic relief.
I would face the winter without my gloves
Just for your smile (Just for your love).