What If?
Years later, your words still resound
- vibrating in my ears:
“If I can't have the real thing,
I guess I'll have to find someone like you"
Repeating over and over….
But you had the real thing - me -
and you threw me away for her.
But what if?
What if you had never strayed and
I had never found out?
what if our love was never
callously tossed aside to doubt?
Would I still lie awake, night after night?
Would I still wonder if "someone like you”
could actually have been me?
Would I still wonder if our love ever had
a real chance to be?
Would your words still echo? (teasing my heart)
And would these feelings I still have for you
keep lingering?
(…tearing me apart…)
If “someone like you” was really me
would I still be haunted by your memory?
Because my conviction of “what if”
Makes me wish I could find “someone like you”
….since I don't have the real thing…..
…since I no longer have you.