What If Joseph Kissed Potiphar's Wife
What If Joseph Kissed Potiphar’s Wife?
What would happen if Joseph kissed Potiphar’s wife?
Just think about the impact this would be on his life!
If he’d entered into her temptation and charm…
This would’ve cause much damage and harm!
Many of God’s blessings, I’m sure he would missed ‘em!
If he’s let Potiphar’s wife reach out and kiss him!
Thank God that he didn’t succumb to her beauty.
He held fast and remembered his God given duty!
A life serving God was something that he chose!
Even if it meant her tearing off a part of his clothes!
Godly living was something he decided to choose!
Even if it meant him being falsely accused!
God used him while he spent time in prison!
He trusted God, and knew that he was with him!
I’m sure there were things that he didn’t understand.
But soon, God made him the #2 ruler in the land!
May this be a stern warning to me and to all!
Think about what temptation may cause you to fall!
Scripture says “resist the devil and he will flee from you!”
Run to God! And allow his presence
to surround you!
This society often encourages to “indulge” in sexual sin!
This is where so much heartache and misery begins!
Run to the Lord! Seek his spirit to lead and guide you!
A way to escape temptation, he’ll provide for you!
Like Joseph, run from temptation as fast as you can run!
And lay everything at the feet of God’s precious son!
His love will sustain you! Regardless of what you’re “missing.”
So you too can receive HIS love
and Godly blessings!
By Jim Pemberton