What Ifs Are Stupid
I know it seems stupid but
I can't let you go
My mind says you won't come back
But my heart says
What if...
What if you come back
What if you still love me
What if this is all just a dream
God I wish this was a dream
But sadly it's not
Im forced to face the truth
The what ifs aren't real
You won't come back
You don't still love me
This is real fu***** life
I'm so stupid for still
Looking for you in crowds
Listening for your voice
Looking to see if you like any of the quotes I like
You never do
Because you've moved on
You don't care
Your looking for a new face in the crowd not mine
So why am I looking for yours
Why do I do this to myself
Why do I put these thoughts in my head
Why can't I help but think of the what ifs
Maybe because I'm stupid
Or maybe it's because I still love you and always will and I still have hope you do too.