What Is Happiness
What is happiness, I just wanted to know,
Was it the song of heavy rain or the breezy snow?
Was it a dance of colorful water fountain,
Or was it a beautiful sunflower covering the whole mountain?
The spell of rainbow across a shinning stars,
Or to see fireflies in a blanket of nightjars.
I was certain that happiness is something to be earned
As I became older, all the more I yearned,
In the process, I forgot to laugh,
and it feels as if happiness is just like falling graphs
I swarmed across the river
Where I saw leaves of trees fall and quiver,
I saw myself in the crystal clear reflection
And I understood that it was always about perception,
As I was curtains of a play has been lifted
I finally knew that life was gifted,
And it is how you take the life to be
That only if you smile, the exact reflection you'll see,
The same is the case with happiness that you want to achieve,
That's when you give it, only then you receive.