Love Poem: What Is Love?
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Written by: Mary Montgomery

What Is Love?

What is love?
Do you hear it?
Can you see it?
Does it make you feel as you’re on a runaway train about to run off the track?
Or a scented love sonnet read during a cool summer’s breeze?
Being a knight conquering a kingdom, knowing your princess sits upon it’s throne.
Tears in your eyes as you hold your baby for the first time.
Feeling your heart break as you watch her pack as she never looks back as she shut the 
Hanging unto your husband’s hand as he grasp it with his last breathe.
Kneeling on your father’s grave as you reach out  touch his tombstone feeling your body 
shake with  tears,
Lying on the bed entwined together as you silently listening to one’s heart beats.
How about your first kiss when he leans in and you close you eyes waiting to feel his lips on 
your mouth.
These are times that have been gone or spent.
Love can be many thing, wondrous or hurtful.
It can be a person, a mother, father, a child, a lover or a sibling.
A sound , When you hear ,” I love you.”
A feeling, the anguish of tears when you realize he wasn't’t going to ever love you back or 
the way you felt when kissed the top of your child’s precious head and made a vow to always 
It could be a smell,  how coffee awakes your in the morning or the way  ice cream melted in 
your mouth and you savored every bite.
Love can be elegant or cruel.
But without the existence of love our lives would be bleak and lonely with many what if’s