What Is Love
When was the last time your heart really fluttered
When did you feel so many butterflies in your stomach
When did the heart pulse raced in anticipation
When you heard that voice or saw that smile
When was the touch oh so magical
When was the kiss so divine
When was it so warm to get a hug
When did you feel liberated from the soul
When did you hate the daily grind and its toll
When your defenses went down you came undone
When sleepless nights made you smile
When there is a new meaning to life
When you appreciate more the nature around
When the song on the radio you feel is yours
When your friends feel you are a different person
When you behave more soft and tender
When the heart always dictates the mind
When someone else's pain is yours
When someones else's tear makes you cry
When your eyes just don't see but start to talk
When the lips oh they long to touch
When the hours spent together are never enough
When the goodbyes are always so tough
When every call is anticipated
When every ping of a message is awaited
When the rains become so romantic
When a cup of coffee together is soul warming
When sleeping in the lap is like a cradle
When holding hands is ethereal
When heaven feels right here on earth
When you are on cloud nine even while walking
When day dreaming comes knocking
When you feel lost when others are talking
When someone far away seems so near
When the moonlights cools your thoughts
When the sunset warms your heart
...Its LOVE that brings the above and more