What Is Love
Warm breezes flow on another cloudless night
past her second story lattice balcony window
a silhouette dances in the painted moonlight
and against that dim lit lamppost I lean
dreaming of dancing beside her
but blind visions hold me back
for this crying heart can't consume
anymore leaving in a pain stained life
Courage overcomes loneliness
and a weakened stone tumbles
towards a bountiful sea
star shine leads lovers home
erasing cries inside
but as those tempest touches get close
and as those blind caresses near
a drenching rain washes away the heat
and destiny never meets
What is love if it can't survive the rain
if it can't push past the ever present pain
a rainbow surviving to glow again
even in the perfect storm we can see
a fragile floret floating in the wind
seeking a solitary sanctuary to seed