Love Poem: What Is This Thing Called Love
Michael Madukairo Avatar
Written by: Michael Madukairo

What Is This Thing Called Love


what is this thing called love?

I have been asking this question
If love is others definition of what they think is it
Or my own creation of what I know it is
Or your own definition of what you know it is
Or two people coming together to define their path to love

is love not the talk-time and play-time with our kids
is it not the sincere attention and affection with out beloved
does it not give others the freedom to become who they are
is it not the forgiveness and faithfulness we extend to others
is it not our attitudes and actions towards others
it is not the duty we owe each other

as we are admonished to be our brothers keeper
as we are commanded to love our neighbor as our selves
as spouses are commanded to submit to each other unto the lord
as we are advices to give others what we desire them to give us
are these not the duty-of-love we owe each other?

Since the truth I know will set me free
And the truth you know will set you free
And the ways we all define our love are what we experience
Toward others and what we experience to be it
Wait a minute…

Is love only an arousing feeling or… 
Deep a thought within us no one else feel?
Is love a strong emotion you feel for everyone 
Or for only one person we think is special?
Is love what you desire to give or …
What you desire to receive?

Is love all about emotion or the person we are?
Is love a religious duty or a sexual expression?
Is love a decision to make among numerous options?
Is love what you choose to become or 
What you feel like expressing?

Is your love determined by others or 
you determine your love for others?
Is love limited to your words or 
it emanates and reflects your deeds?
May be it need a definition that you choose to give it?
maybe you need to answer this question...
what is the version of your love to others?
Is love a human concept or a divine nature? 
Is love pleasurable without pains?

Is love the person’s nature or its personality?
Is love worth enduring or is just enjoyment?
Does it limit to physical experiences or…
Stretches beyond emotional utterances?
Does it mean our attitude in action?

Does love mean sex
Does sex mean love
Does it mean marriage or sexual affair with you
since I choose to say, “I love you”? 
Does a person love due to status or class or just care to love
yet it is our duty to love and it is the debt we owe each other
Does love possess attitudes and attributes?
What is this thing called love 
people are confused and worried about?